Notification Letter

Outline of the seminar

Seminar Venue

Daiichi-Seimei Hibiya First

13-1, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8411, Japan

*FALIA staff will be waiting for you at the hotel on the first day and escort you to the seminar venue.


Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon
1-1, Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0092 Japan

*FALIA will arrange accommodation for participants during the seminar period. Please make payment directly to the hotel upon your arrival in cash or by credit card.

◆Room type: 
 Semi Double room 
◆Rate for 9 nights (Nov.5 -13): Approx. JPY175,000 (including breakfast)


Hotel Cancellation Policy

No Show

Same day
1 day
9 days
Cancellation Fee
13:00 - 18:30

Other notice

1. Seminar schedule

See the Tentative Schedule.

2. Language to be used in the seminar

ENGLISH. Good English ability is required to be able to understand lectures and take part in discussions.

3. Qualifications for admission

1) Departmental general manager, manager or personnel of the same level in charge of the field specified in the subjects of the Schedule.(Mainly targeted at top management level)

2) More than 3 years of working experience in life insurance business.

4. Other general requirements

1) All participants shall represent their institution.
2) Complete the entire seminar, including the cocktail reception, with full attendance.
3) Be in good health and purchase an overseas travel insurance policy for personal protection before 
departing for Japan.

*FALIA shall not bear any responsibility for accidents that might happen to participants and/or accompanying persons during the seminar period.

5. Screening after receiving applications

If the number of applicants exceeds the quota of 30 participants for the seminar, FALIA will conduct a screening. The selection of participants will be determined based on the following factors:

1) Balance of countries (aiming for diversity)
2) Eligibility for the seminar
3) First-come-first-served basis

6. Expenses

Costs borne by participants:

1) Travel expenses to and from Japan.
2) Transportation expenses on Arrival and Departure Day between the airport and the accommodation.
3) Accommodation fee at Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon  (Approximately *JPY 175,000 for 9 nights, including breakfast.)
4) Food expenses (All meals except for lunch on weekdays and the farewell lunch on the 1-day tour.)
5) All other personal expenses.

Costs borne by FALIA:

1) The cost of lunch on weekdays and the farewell lunch on the 1-day tour.
2) All expenses related to scheduled social events, such as the welcome party and the 1-day tour.
3) Expenses for transportation between the seminar location and the hotel.

*FALIA does not charge any fees or tuition for the seminar.

7. Certificate of completion of the seminar

To the participants who have completed the seminar, a Certificate of Completion of the Seminar will be granted together with FALIA’s commemorative badge. The Certificate will not be given when the number of attendance days is less than the prescribed full days.

8. Cancellation of the seminar

If the Seminar should be cancelled before the commencement or during the Seminar due to the reason out of FALIA’s control, any expenses paid by participants for their own preparation will not be compensated by FALIA.

Application Guide

The information you need to provide   *Required

Personal Data of Applicant  
1. Name*
2. Sex*
3. Nationality*
4. Birthday*
5. Age*
6. Present position*
7. Name of institution*
8. Business address*, Telephone* and Fax number
9. Email address* (Institution & Private)
10. FALIA seminar experience(If Yes, Year Attended*)
Record of Qualifications and Experience
1. Education *(Final educational background, Year attended)
2. Other training courses and seminars attended
3. Work experience* (Institution, Location, Position, Division, Year engaged)
4. Working experience in (life) insurance business*
5. Licentiates / Credential relevant to the field of your expertise
6. English proficiency*
7. Motivation for applying for this seminar
Regarding the Course 
1. What is the biggest concern you have regarding Japanese insurance history? *

Approver's Information (If any)
1. Name of Institution, Name of responsible person in charge, Position, Email address
Contact Person’s Information
1. Name of Institution*, Name of contact person in charge*, Position*, Email address*

(As we may need to contact your institution during the screening process, please provide the name of the person in charge of the application. If your institution nominates 2 or more applicants, kindly specify the priority as well.)
Face photo and Name card
<STEP 1> Download the specified Word file from the website.
<STEP 2> Insert your face photo and name card into the file.
<STEP 3> Attach the Word file* on the application form as shown below.

How to attach the Word file on the application form

*Please click the "ファイルの選択" button on the form and attach the Word file with your photo and copy of your name card.

How to save your entry on the application form

*You will find the file icon in the upper right corner of the application form. Move the cursor over the icon, and 3 butttons will appear on the screen. Click on each button to save, retrieve, and delete the data as shown.

After being accepted as a participant

  • Please submit the following information via an online form to be provided later:

    1) Dietary Restrictions

    *Please be aware that we may not be able to accommodate meal options tailored to all dietary restrictions. (e.g., Halal food, gluten-free food, vegitarian food, etc.).

    2) Smoking Habits

    *Please note that it may not be possible to arrange smoking rooms according to your preferences.

  • Please book a flight:

    ・arriving in Japan on or before November 5*
    ・departing from Japan on or after November 14*

    *The seminar starts on the morning of November 6.
    *The ending time of the Hakone tour depends on the traffic situation on November 13, the last day of the seminar.
  • ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。