

You can apply online at the bottom of the page.

Seminar Introduction

Since the 1990s, Japan's life insurance industry has been going through a number of challenges that have had a fundamental impact on its management. In this seminar, the life insurance regulatory authorities will express their expectations for the life insurance industry, and life insurance company executives will look back on the history of the industry themselves, reviewing the turbulent history of the past 30 years in a single seminar for the first time. This seminar will provide a bird's eye view of the trials and tribulations of the Japanese life insurance industry, which until now have tended to be discussed in fragments, and will provide worldwide insurance regulators and company executives with highly suggestive insights into the future direction of the industry in their respective countries. (Mainly targeted at top management level)

Seminar Information


Seminar Schedule   (Tentative)

Day 1 
(November 6)

The Financial Services Agency (FSA), the regulator of the life insurance industry in Japan, will discuss the government’s expectations for the life insurance sector.

The Life Insurance Association of Japan will address the challenges faced by the life insurance industry.

Day 2
(November 7)

Review how life insurance companies responded to the massive earthquake that hit Japan.

Explore the background and reality of multiple life insurance failures during the aftermath of the Asian currency crisis.

Day 3 
(November 8)
Take a one-day break from the classroom to comprehensively review the aspirations of the founder of Dai-ichi Life, reaffirming the significance of the life insurance business.
Day 4 
(November 11)

Reflect on how Japanese life insurers overcame the impact of the Lehman Shock.
Learn how life insurance companies addressed social demands amid growing consumer protection awareness.
Discuss strategies for survival in our rapidly changing and unpredictable society.

Day 5 
(November 12)

Examine the global crisis of climate change and biodiversity collapse.
Exchange opinions on the role the life insurance industry should play in the future, based on the comprehensive knowledge presented in this seminar.

Day 6 
(November 13)
Enjoy a one-day sightseeing tour in Hakone, Kanagawa.

Before you apply

Step.1  Read through our Application Guide

Please carefully review the Application Guide and identify the information you need to complete the online application. Note that there may be some instructions on the form that are only provided in Japanese. Make sure to comprehend these instructions before initiating the application process.

Step.2  Prepare your face photo and name card

Please submit a recent photo of yourself and a scanned copy of your name card. Download the provided Word file to attach your face photo and name card to the online form.

Online Application

Application period
July 22 -  August 16, 2024